Sunday, October 10, 2010


I feel as though I got some nice shots from our field trip on Wednesday. Unfortunately, the digital camera pooped out on me early into the day, so I used my Pentax for almost the entirety of the trip. Regardless, I like the images I got and was especially happy to be able to take a few shots of people.


  1. I really like the ones you took from luscher farm. they are really nice and the color of the sky from that morning just makes everything look so pretty.

  2. Claire - Those three women are hilarious. What a story there, wouldn't you just love to get them to start talking about all their adventures?

  3. Thanks Monet!
    I know, they look like cartoon characters! I thought the DEADLY! signs were kind of ironic and funny.

  4. Claire I really love these pictures! The one with the woman holding the kitten is really sweet.

  5. i like the grate looking one. its cool that the grate turns off to the right and doesn't just go straight backwards. it ads another dimension to the photo.
