Friday, December 31, 2010


Today I photographed for a band of Lakeridge kids, Sundrop. It was awesome to get to know some people I've never talked to before. Great group, lots of fun!
Here's a link to their music


  1. These are all great! But I especially love the sixth one! Is that an old train car?

  2. Thanks Eva! And yes it is. It's in Sellwood.

  3. that looks like it was a lot of fun! very nice pictures!

  4. So I love you! And I love your ART! And I love your photography! This is beautiful, and I think you work really diligently and have the drive to be a great fine artist/ photographer/ fashion designer. You have your own style and work because you love to do it. So excited for you to get accepted to every art school you apply to!

  5. these are cool claire! where did you take them it looks like an abandoned train? or building?

  6. Thanks everyone! It's an abandoned train that homeless people probably live in (there's lots of food inside) in Sellwood. Right when you come across the bridge you take a right on 10th or so. Check it out!

  7. These pics are great! I was just gonna ask where these were taken but I guess you've already answered that...I'm definitely going to go check that place out :)
