The end of high school is just around the riverbend! I'm ready.
I suppose I will reflect on the year in AP Art (boooooring I know)...
1. Fall was crazy. I look back and realize that I did so much in a short amount of time as far as creating a portfolio for schools. Wow.
2. I fully enjoyed creating a concentration. By doing photoshoots, I was able to expand my connections with others in the school, use my resources, and discover some very pretty places.
3. I'm bummed that I didn't make any art besides photographs. I remember having a lot of fun doing the self-portrait project at the beginning of the year. The Japan fundraising project will be good for me then, I suppose!
4. While I've always known that I was destined for a creative career path, I think that AP Art really fortified that. Many aspects of the class---critiquing, producing work in a scheduled timeframe, having to manage oneself with no instructional time, etc---I all quite enjoyed.
All I can say is that I am truly, undeniably excited for the future. The future of my fellow artist classmates who will depart on their own adventures, and my own future in the Big Apple!
Now.... about the next 26 days of school... not feelin' it.
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